Sunday, January 11, 2009

the THEME & our "LEARN | unLEARN | CREATE" session

this post is for designcrew01;

Based on the new theme: TIDYNESS.
Reflection on starting point 1:
Assignment #1: Pre Gameplan Your Gameplan 1 now would be more specific.
Assignment #2: Photo Analysis You will have a better perspective on the NEEDs you can see in the scenario. List them down (of course in your journals)
Assignment #3: Organization Case Study A few days ago, we know what they do. Now, we know what to do for them.

Reflection on starting point 2:
a snippet of today's lesson... I'm waiting for your version!
as discussed, this session could be a TRIGGER for your coursework too, it isa ll up to you!

Check your schedule and do the necessary please.

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